A forensic deep-dive. A ruthless marketing clean-up and a no-holds-barred business plan.

This is a Business Blitz

What’s the one difference between your business, and your competitor who’s crushing it?

Hint: It’s not a fancy logo, a six-figure business coach, a colour palette that slaps, a custom-built £5,865 website, or spending every waking hour drafting social media posts for every single channel in existence.

It’s the way you communicate your brand 🤯

Welcome to Small Business Limbo. Population: You.

A confused man covered in sticky notes with the text 'im steve the suit & im a business consultant trying to turn my side hustle into a full-time gig' written next to him

You’ve got a ‘something’

A website, a landing page, a social media account, a stack of dog-eared business cards, a series of post-it notes on your bedroom wall. Whatever your ‘something’ is, it’s got potential. The potential to be a life-change-igniting business.

You’re going ‘somewhere’

You’ve discovered a need, you’ve got an offer to sell, and you’ve even sold a couple to your mum and some mates. Your business is staggering away from a side hustle and drunkenly stumbling towards “proper business”. This could be ‘the one’ you’ve been waiting for.

man holding trenchcoat open to show off business to Facebook on a laptop screen in front of him

…And now you’re stuck

You’re perched on your tiny patch of internet, trench coat wide-open, offers on show, getting less traffic than a country lane in Devon. You’re not sure how to communicate your business beyond the loving support of your inner-circle, and suddenly this all feels very overwhelming and not very fun.

You set out to build your dream business because you know you’ve got something worth sharing with the world. Something no one else in your industry has to give. Don’t let inexperience block you from greatness.

Blitz your challenges with me.

Get in. Wreck the mess. Rebuild your business. Fast 🤘

*Cue wailing electric guitar solo following you around wherever you go*


The Blitz Experience

🤩Upgrade your offer positioning

🤩Refine your ideal client

🤩Roadmap how you’re going to step into the next evolution of your business.

🤩Riff messaging together (very similar to Beyoncé pulling you on stage to sing a capella together)

🤩Square up to uncomfortable content marketing challenges

🤩Zero in on your path to sales (marketing strategy)

🤩Vividly reimagine the way you communicate what you do

🤩Stop being random! Develop goals for your digital activities, so you stay mission-focused and productive

🤩Bonus bits: Every Blitz includes a session recording, a Blitz In Action goody bag (read: a bumper booklet of copy ideas, a micro website copy audit and everything you need to release your newly acquired marketing magic on your upgraded biz). Oh, and me. A (deliciously) seasoned creative copywriter loading your pockets with scrumptious bonbons.

Bonbons = f*cking excellent writing tips

🤩 PLUS 2 x 30 min Post-Blitz calls Blitzers told me they wanted more time to talk through their marketing mayhem, so you now get 60-minutes more call time to work out your most bothersome business bits!

This is how it works

£750 of pure digital hot diggity

Like being on a game show where you win a really safe and reliable mid-range family car. At best, you’re f*cking pumped. At worst, you’re pleased to leave with a plan you can trust and rely on to move you forward.

I do it for the praise

Loved, loved, loved it and I'm still buzzing!

I loved how organic the session was and how you managed to develop clarity in my messaging from me just speaking to you.

— Naima Kei, Kei Digital

I feel more confident in how I speak about my product now.

it's one thing to create a product but understanding how a person will connect with it needed an artful and creative mind like yours to see where my story needs to land.

— Gabriel Gandzjuk, True Life Habitat

(it's SUCH good value it's almost theft)

I ended up with a new biz model that I'm excited about, a long list of tweaks I can easily make, and a massive confidence boost...btw, it's a rare skill to boost confidence whilst also being very direct in what's not working.

— Sim Fitzgerald, Coaching Business

Client Spotlight: Epic Writing

🏥 Where we started:

Too many services (8 to be exact) and not enough time to pitch, position, market and sell! loads of customisation, and no automation

Doing everything manually — payments, bookings, communications

Process problems = hours of unpaid admin and client work

No clear brand identity or messaging

Dreamed of a writing membership, video courses + masterclasses but didn’t know how to bring them to life

💖 Where we landed:

Clear, confident brand messaging to apply across her digital ecosystem

Trimmed down to 3 signature offers:

 – Writer TLC Sessions

 – Book Editing Support (now structured + selective)

 – A brand-new Writing Membership — launched & already has 10 members!

Fully restructured website with fresh copy, streamlined services + clear booking flows

Newsletter + welcome sequence set up and ready to grow her audience

Editing schedule locked down with a transparent submission process (no more chaotic manuscript-reading freebies!)

Confidence sky-high: pricing doubts gone, business foundations solid

💬 Khadijah says:

“It’s not an exaggeration to say Nadia changed my life. I now have a Business Bible I refer to constantly. Everything is clearer, stronger, and finally working.”

Before a Blitz

After a Blitz

“But Nadia, why do I need a Blitz?”


Before setting up this one-woman marketing bureau, I ran a marketing team and worked for a digital agency, and no matter how big or small the client was, I noticed the same problem over and over again. 

We’re wildly unrealistic about what we can achieve in the early days of business building and what we should be focused on. We unfairly expect to be the all-systems-firing, smooth-sailing, everything-is-perfect, 6-figure-making version of our business within a year of launching.

And the more we try to cram, load, and squeeze into an early launch, offer or campaign, the more our messaging and mission suffer.

My method is simple.

Instead of focusing on serving the (unrealistic) million-dollar version of your business, I hold your hand and walk you into a mission-focused version 2 of your small business—the next evolution of your dream. 

We version your vision. We blitz your business. We stick a rocket under your progress and soar 🔥

This is getting embarassing (embarassingly good LOL)

I loved the clarity and lightbulb moments as you were talking…

I think you got me down to a T and you were the perfect fit for the way I work too. I don't think I would change a thing and would book in again should I need your services in the future, thank you for helping me get out of my funk and heading towards something magical

— Purpose Coach


The session has opened up a can of worms but in a bloody good way.

I needed open, honest direct, feedback to help work out the issues in my business as I’m not getting regular clients and this is what I got.

— Nutrition Coach

Nadia is a wizard by all counts…The whole experience from start to finish was magical, we laughed, we cried (from laughing so much) and then laughed some more.

Not only is she just completely shit hot at what she does, you get the vibe that she genuinely cares, which spilled out into every little nook and cranny of our time together. 10 POINTS TO NADI-DOR!

— Transformational Coach

You provided such a 5* service…

Your business blitz for just my one offering changed my whole biz upside down and inside out which I totally was not expecting. You…helped enable me to see I was showing no personality and no sparkle and I have been SHOWING up every day ever since.

— Shamanic Healer


Your service is PERFECT!

You are full of so much knowledge you blew me away completely and I haven't stopped thinking about all the ideas you sent me via email afterwards!

— Content Marketing Wiz

Talk to me and find out if your business is Blitz-able